From the Principal and Assistant Principal

Returning to On Site Learning

As Term 2 winds to a close, we would like to express our sincere thanks to our wonderful teachers, support staff and students – all of whom made the transition back to onsite learning successfully smooth.

A special morning tea was organised to welcome back both the VCE students when they returned to onsite learning and the Year 7-10 students when they re-joined us a fortnight later.
Teachers and students did an amazing job both transitioning to remote learning and then again transitioning back to onsite learning.

Well done! 

on site learning
donuts warrandyte high
on site learning

Semester One Reports

These are now available via Compass. Due to the impact of Covid 19 and the period of Remote Learning, the reports look different this time and are indeed unique. Hopefully, with no future return to Remote Learning, the end of year reports will be a return to the usual format. We thank all of our wonderful parents and students for their understanding.

Year 8 Code of Conduct

Following the success of the Year 7 Code of Conduct sessions, recently all Year 8 students experienced the Year 8 Code of Conduct interactive information session. This involved the Year 8 Leader, Luke Mason and the Assistant Principal, Joseph Caruana facilitating a rich discussion with our Year 8 students about students’ rights and student expectations.

We ensured our Year 8 students understand how they absolutely have rights, some of which include:

  • The right to learn in a positive working environment
  • The right to be presented with work that is both interesting and challenging

The Year 8 students were also invited to appreciate how along with student rights comes student expectations. Some of our student expectations include:

  • respecting the rights of teachers to teach
  • respecting the rights of others to learn

The Year 8 students are to be commended on their fantastic participation in our recent Code of Conduct Sessions. Our message was warmly received and appreciated.

School Planner and Uniform Blitz

Recently students found themselves the recipients of The Random School Planner Blitz and the Uniform Blitz!
It is indeed an expectation that all students at Warrandyte High School bring their school planner (diary) to every class. It is essential that this is used to record homework dates and deadlines and other important information to assist with their scholastic organisation. Pleasingly the majority of students survived the blitz with only a small minority being told to urgently start bringing and using their school planner in every class.

When will the next blitz happen? Will it be tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Ahhhhh, now that is the question!

The school uniform is similarly strictly enforced at Warrandyte High School. Pleasingly, the majority of students who were recipients of the Uniform Blitz survived nicely with only a small minority finding themselves as casualties. Indeed these very few students were reminded that the correct school uniform is a non- negotiable at WHS.

More specific information regarding the school uniform later in this edition!
The Blitz! Yikes!

Football and Basketball Program

The Year 9 Basketball and Football continues to be a huge success with students loving our intensive sports program. All day every Wednesday students in this program are participating in this program and thus strengthening their skills and fitness.
Later in this edition check out further information about this exiting intensive sport program. 


basketball and football program
bicycle path

New Bicycle Path

Have you checked out our stunning new bicycle path yet? It looks great and indeed adds to the awesome atmosphere here at Warrandyte High School.

Student Voice Teams

Both the Year 7-9 and Year 10-12 Student Voice Teams met recently. We meet with representatives from each year level regularly with the aim of ensuring students have a real voice in their learning.

Each year students are asked to complete the Attitudes to School Survey, this is a survey which invites students to anonymously provide the school with feedback regarding all aspects of their school experience. Some of the questions include:

“I have a say in the things I learn”

“This school is preparing me to make decisions about my future”

“All students are treated fairly at this school”

Students have the option of strongly agreeing, agreeing, being neutral, disagreeing or strongly disagreeing with each of these statements. Members of the Student Voice Teams are currently analysing last year’s Attitudes to School Survey Data with the aim of identifying and prioritising areas they would like the school to address. Their input will be welcomed as we develop a roadmap to address areas the Student Voice Teams have identified as warranting our immediate attention. How exciting, no?

Student Voice, Leadership and Agency is thriving here at Warrandyte High School.

Snake Holding Club at WHS

The many clubs at Warrandyte High School continue. Lunchtime Clubs. After school Clubs. Before school clubs! One of our exciting clubs is our Lunch Time Snake Holding club. Meet Vic, our resident Murray River Carpet Python! Vic indeed happily allows students to hold him and care for him!

Correct – from Homework Club after school in the library, to Snake Holding Club at lunchtime! It all happens at WHS!

Steve Parkin + Joseph Caruana
Principal + Assistant Principal

Football and Basketball Program Update


With the return to onsite learning has come the onsite return of the Football and Basketball Program. The program runs every Wednesday, all day.

In the mornings, football coach Luke has been running a mini preseason with the students, putting the team through their paces with AFL skill work. He has been focusing on the return to junior footy, with a strong emphasis on building up the students’ endurance. The intensive sessions are going really wel.l During the afternoons, basketball development has been the focus with students working on creating space, capitalizing on a number of advantages and taking ‘good’ shots. With the return to junior sport just around the corner, members of the Football and Basketball program are getting prepared to enter Round One fit and raring to go!

Tim Jones
Football/Basketball Program Coordinator

football and basketball at warrandyte high

Wellbeing Programs at WHS


We are just about to head into a two week school break.  YAY!!!

It has been a very interesting and sometimes stressful term for all.

I hope you all enjoy a well-earned break, stay healthy and safe and I look forward to seeing you back in Term 3.

Sign up to the Triple P program via their website.

Families can now access free expert parenting advice through the online

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program.

The program is relevant to families with children between 2 and 16 years and provides strategies to deal with specific challenges, such as building children’s resilience and dealing with conflict.

There are courses specifically for parents of toddlers to tweens, and for parents of pre-teens to teens.

It gives parents strategies to:

  • Raise happy, confident kids
  • Manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more
  • Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
  • Encourage positive behaviour
  • Take care of themselves as a parent
  • Feel confident they’re doing the right thing.

R U OK ?

Got a feeling that someone you know or care about it isn’t behaving as they normally would?

Perhaps they seem out of sorts?

More agitated or withdrawn? Or they’re just not themselves.
Trust that gut instinct and act on it. Learn more about the signs and when it’s time to ask R U OK?

By starting a conversation and commenting on the changes you’ve noticed, you could help that family member, friend or workmate open up. If they say they are not ok, you can follow our conversation steps to show them they’re supported and help them find strategies to better manage the load. If they are ok, that person will know you’re someone who cares enough to ask.

Remember to look after yourself and ask for help if you need it.

Joanne Miller
Wellbeing Leader


Uniform Reminder

Just a quick reminder about Uniform expectations for all students:

  • With Winter upon us FULL Winter Uniform is to be worn by all students during Term 2&3.
  • ‘Mixing and Matching’ components of non-uniform items (incl: Hoodies/non WHS jumpers/track pants) with the winter school uniform constitutes a breach of the school uniform policy.
  • All uniform requirements and procedures are outlined in the Student Planner.
  • The Uniform Shop is open from June 2nd by appointment by emailing for the collection of online orders and new purchases.
  • Confirmation of your appointment will be made within 24 hours. Payment via card only.
  • To comply with our social distancing requirements, please do not attend the uniform shop until your time has been confirmed.

Christena Gazeas
Head of Sub Schools