From the Principal
3.54 Million Capital Works happening THIS year!
In last year’s budget, Warrandyte High School was awarded 3.54million for Capital Works upgrading. The exciting upgrading is happening in Term 3 and 4 this year. Our Art and Technology building will be getting a total makeover, a complete upgrade, as will two of our major student play / meeting areas at recess and lunchtime. We are very excited to be the recipients of this serious capital investment from the government. Watch this space!
School Council Elections
It is with pleasure that I am able to announce our new 2022 School Council. I would like to welcome new parent members: Luke Konynenburg and Shara Hamilton and our new student member: Lily Al Algawi. Lili is also one of our school captains, and later in this edition, you can learn a lot more about Lili in an extensive interview. In our last edition, we featured an extensive interview designed to assist our community in getting to know our other school captain: Brandon Robb.
It is with pleasure that I am also able to announce Simone Spence as our new School Council President, Emma Short as our new Vice President and Luke Konynenburg as our new Treasurer.
Open Night and School Tours
Our Open Night on March 22 was a huge success. Both our 5pm and 7.15pm formal information session was essentially at capacity. Our guest speakers which included a collection of Year 7 students from our Learning Excellence Acceleration Program (LEAP) did an awesome job, as did our Basketball and AFL Sports Academy students, our School Council Vice President and our School Captains. A huge thank you is extended to all who made the afternoon and evening a tremendous success.
School Voice and Vertical Home Groups
Student Voice is very important at Warrandyte High School. Indeed, the Student Voice is a platform through which students can discuss, directly with the Principal, matters of importance concerning students’ experience and learning at Warrandyte High School.
It is so wonderful have a strong 22-member Student Voice Team. Students from all year levels comprise our rich Student Voice team. In our recent meeting, exciting initiatives were agreed upon, including the Student Voice students preparing a survey which all students will complete in their weekly vertical home group. The aim of the survey is to gain an insight into areas which student would like us to focus attention. Empowering students with agency and giving them a true voice is a priority at WHS.
Vertical Home Groups
As part of our Well- Being program, our Vertical Home Group initiative is off to a fantastic start this year. Indeed, students from Year 7 through to Year 12 are in the same home group. This program happens weekly. Its purpose is to strengthen Student Voice and School Connectedness. We are forever refining our craft here at Warrandyte High. The wonderful rich tapestry of activities already happening in Vertical Home Groups is truly exciting.
Joseph Caruana, Acting Principal
Get to know your School Captains
Introducing 2022 School Captain: Lili Al Algawi
Why do you want to be school captain?
I want to be the Warrandyte High School captain as it would be the biggest privilege and honour to represent this school that I have attended since Year 7.
Becoming a voice for those who lack the confidence to speak or are unable to speak has always been a lifelong goal of mine and through the role of school captain, I feel I can fulfill that passion to help people. I want to ensure that Warrandyte High School is a safe and accepting community for every individual, not just the majority, and that every need is provided whether it be for students, teachers, staff etc.
What do you hope to achieve in your role? / What are your priorities?
I hope to achieve accessibility, equal opportunity, safety, and enjoyment for all students and individuals within Warrandyte; this includes more classroom help and out of class tutoring, learning support allocated for students who may not learn in the ‘traditional way’, as well as ensuring the right mental health facilities are available. I hope to continue making Warrandyte High an environment where people of all ages, race, sexuality, gender, socioeconomic status can all feel like they belong within the community. Also, it is important to me that all students can fulfill their best learning potential by providing fun activities, excursions and learning support. Making the school more functional for those who have disabilities (learning and/ or physical), ensuring we are providing appropriate bathroom and changing room space for those identifying with different genders, prayer rooms for religious individuals are also the sorts of priorities for me.
How do you intend to go about achieving your priorities?
I would firstly love to hold meetings with each year level leader to discuss what areas of student and/ or teacher learning needs to be prioritised.
Regarding the facilities, I hope to facilitate school fundraisers (such as themed free dress days, colour runs, student vs teacher basketball games etc) as these are the best way to raise money if needed to obtain the right materials.
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is yellow!
Do you prefer hamburgers or pizza?
If I had to pick id choose hamburgers!
What are you most passionate about? Why?
I have a lot of passions but my biggest one is people. I am passionate about helping others achieve their goals, be the best version of themselves, as well as just understanding how others work! Equity is something I stand strong for and am extremely passionate about in achieving. I have witnessed the hurt that this world can bring and how it can affect day to day functioning, thus this is why I am so passionate about making a difference.
What skills do you bring to the role of school captain?
I do believe I am very efficient as well as attentive, I will adhere to every need and want of students, teachers, and parents of Warrandyte High! When a task is put in front of me and it is something I am passionate about, I will put in my 110% effort to ensure it is done perfectly. I function well under pressure and am quite good at public speaking!
How do you want to be remembered when your period as School Captain ends?
I would want to know that I had made a difference at Warrandyte High School; whether it be minor or significant, a positive change can go a long way and I would love to contribute to that. I would want to know that any individual at Warrandyte High feels more accepted, happier, more secure, and acknowledged due to an effort I had made within the school 😊
What do you see are the main priorities facing Year 8 and 9 students?
Year 8 and 9 are years where most of the changes occur; mentally, intellectually, physically, and socially! The main priority of these years is to ensure everyone has security in where they are headed and to know they are being supported, whether that be academically, socially, or mentally! Providing students with opportunities to explore all of who they are, what works for them and what doesn’t, as well as their capabilities, will be my focus.
What is your favourite ABBA song?
One of the hardest questions I’ve been asked but I have to say, ‘Lay your love on me’! (Big thumbs up for my fellow Swedes!!)
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
I love both but dogs will always have my heart!
What’s your advice to students who want to achieve a high ATAR score?
Everyone works in different ways, but these methods are ones that can be applicable to everyone: know what your priorities are and stick to them! A good idea is to create an organised and efficient method of studying that is best suited to you.
Whatever this method i, make sure to maximise your time by focusing on what needs to be accomplished (study smart if you can’t study hard!!) Study notes will become your best friend so make sure they are organised. ATAR notes is an amazing place to seek help and notes from past excelling students or current students in the same boat as you! Ask anyone and everyone for help if you need it. This is your chance to be annoying! This could even involve teaching your family or friends the content you are revising (teaching is an amazing method of retaining information and learning!)
What do you hope to be doing in 2023?
In 2023 I hope to be at university studying Law; I would also love to do a semester abroad (most likely in Sweden) if all goes accordingly!
What is your message to the new students joining WHS in Year 7 in 2022?
It will all workout the way it’s meant to so don’t freak out! The jump from grade 6, top of the school, to year 7, youngest of the school, is big, but before you know it, you’ll feel comfortable as ever! As cliché as it sounds, stay true to yourself! Enjoy the time you have with your friends and make connections with one another, get into a routine of high school life and take it easy on your teachers (your future self will thank you!)
Warrandyte High is a great place so help make it even better!
What has been your favourite high school experiences so far at WHS?
I’ve had a lot of wonderful high school memories that I could talk about for hours! My favourite ones have been the connections I’ve made and the people I have met throughout my high school years! The opportunities I’ve had (going on various school camps, sporting events, excursions, academic excellence opportunities etc.) have made this whole learning experience a great one!
Open Night, What a Night!
Warrandyte High School opened their doors to prospective and current parents, students and friends on Tuesday March 22nd. The annual Open Night showcased all that the school has to offer and shone a spotlight on the creative, academic and sporting prowess of the students and staff.
Visitors could take a self -guided tour and after visiting each of the rooms on their WHS Passport were rewarded with a prize. Alternatively, student tour leaders showed the way and offered insights into their school experience as they guided guests through the various rooms and displays.
Every faculty provided activities and information about the subjects they offer. In the Gymnasium visitors could test their agility, flexibility, and strength as well as experience a simulation of how too much alcohol impairs their abilities when wearing ‘beer goggles’. A ‘Night at the Museum’ was the theme of the Humanities faculty where Geography, History and Commerce subjects featured. Mathematical challenges were a focus in the Maths department but perhaps the most popular challenge was trying to guess the number of easter eggs in the jar.
Always a highlight is the Science Faculty; one of the most interesting displays was the ‘Eggsellent Membrane’ and the demonstration of ‘Flaming Atoms’ experiment by some of our senior science students was spectacular. But more spectacular in the opinion of many were the apple and cinnamon muffins freshly baked by students and delivered warm and aromatic into the hands of hungry visitors.
The library housed three faculty areas: English, Italian and Digital Technology. The school has a strong focus on developing reading at all levels and this was reflected in the display of reading comprehension strategies and a wide range of texts that are the focus of English teaching in the school. A virtual trip to the famous beaches of Italy and a photograph of your self beside a world-famous landmark (or the WHS Lizard) were also on offer.
Special programs such as the Sport Academy (Basketball and Football) and the LEAP (Learning Academic/Acceleration Excellence Program ) demonstrated the broader curriculum offerings and how the school caters for a wide range of abilities and interests, aiming to extend and challenge.
Warrandyte High School has a strong heritage of the creative and performing arts. Our Art, Visual Communication, Technology and Music departments did not disappoint. There was much to see and enjoy – in particular, the heart swelling voices of ex – student Caitlyn Bull and current year 11 student Amber Gedge who sang at the information sessions. Several students also presented speeches describing their experiences at the school. Congratulations to our School Captains, Brandon Robb and Lili Al Gawi, Year 8 Sports Academy students, Toby Potter and Jesse Grenfell and new year 7 students Chloe Minogue, Anais Anastasiou and Mia Fadel for their confident and informative presentations.
The newly elected Vice President of School Council, Emma Short, delivered an excellent and informative speech from a parent’s point of view. Emma shared her experiences with prospective parents covering everything from bus travel to opportunities for students and families to be involved in all aspects of school life.
We can’t overlook the traffic controllers who expertly directed cars into the parking bays, Mr Gedge for making sure student helpers were well fed with pizza, office staff for printing, folding, ‘zhuzhing’ and fielding inquiries and to Stephen McCulloch for accompanying our singers and organising all things audio.
Thanks go out to everyone involved – it takes a lot of work to put on such an event and everyone’s contribution was appreciated.
Swimming Sports
2022 Divisional Swimming
On Friday 4th March 12 eager students represented Warrandyte High School at the Divisional Swimming Competition and did a fantastic job. All students performed at their best in their individual events and then pulled together to make some relay teams in which they worked extremely well together.
Students who placed in events included: Jack Brennan, Taya Davies, Charlotte Dibb, Wylie Hunter, Kyan Swenson, Grace Synhur, Giaan Vasie, Coco Whelan and Tabitha Young.
It was a great day with all Warrandyte students competing at their best and cheering each other on.
Receiving 1st place in all 3 events Coco Whelan was awarded the female 17 year old age group champion. This is a fantastic effort from Coco. By winning her three events she will progress on to the Regional Swimming Competition where we wish her the best of luck.
Congratulations to all students who competed on their efforts in the pool and encouragement of each other through all events. It was fantastic to see students across all year levels encouraging and supporting each other.
House Swimming Sports 2022
On Tuesday 22nd February we awoke to a beautiful sunny day perfect for the annual Warrandyte High School House Swimming Carnival. Warrandyte High School students and teachers, dressed in house colours, amazing costumes and cheering loudly, descended on Boroondara Sports Complex ready to take out victory in the pool.
The day was extremely successful with lots of students full of loud voices ready to swim and cheer their houses to victory. The sunny warm weather made perfect conditions for students competing in swimming events, participating in the annual bomb contest and relaxing around the pool. It was great to see students giving it a go whether competing competitively or simply for the fun and in the spirit of gaining house points.
A highlight for most of the students was the annual bombing contest from the 3m diving board which provided spectators with a wonderful display of different bombing techniques. You could hear the splash and the agony of some of the impact from the other end of the pool. The noodle race was also highly popular with students and earned valuable house points.
In the end Stiggant House was awarded Swimming House Champions.
The final points tally was:
Stiggant – 380
Newman – 317
Michel – 303
Anderson – 257
In addition a House Swimming Champion Trophy was awarded to one student from each house. These students were recognized for gaining the most number of points for their house and for their eager participation on the day.
The House Swimming Champions were:
Stiggant – Jack Brennan (year 8)
Newman – Toby Potter (year 8)
Michel – Wylie Hunter (year 7)
Anderson – Samuel Ferguson (year 11)
A special mention to Jack Brennan who broke 3 records on the day (15yr old 100m freestyle, 14yr old 50m freestyle and 14yr old 50m backstroke which had stood since 2002) and to Coco Whelan who broke the 17yr old breaststroke record. These are fantastic achievements.
The day is not only about recognising swimming success but also about building house spirit, leadership and cross year level friendships for all students as well as students and teachers building relationship outside the classroom setting. As part of this, students were awarded prizes for best dressed. This year the competition was at its highest with many fantastic costumes being made. The eventual winners of the competition were
- The Gangstas – Olivia Jennings, Nicolette Avgerinos, Alayna Habel and Erin Sawers
- The Maids – Tommaso Rossi, Hayden Stark, Luca and Lucas Gillard-Goode
In addition to these awards multiple students were recognised for their efforts with their costumes which included pirates (Tabitha and Meleane), Prisoners (Jack, Elih and Chevy), Tooth Fairies (Kenna and Lili) and Hawaii 5.0 (Lovelia and Kate). There were also a range of other characters dressed to suit their house colours. It was great to see so many students embrace the opportunity to express their creativity and I look forward to seeing this replicated at the athletics sports.
The nine house captains (Eddie O’ Rouke, Chandler Weeks, Lahni Weeks, Alayna Habel, Laura Beckett. Olivia Jennings, Nathan Hellings, Lachlan Guymer and Josh Evans) did a fantastic job in promoting the day, encouraging students and developing house spirit.
The day finished off with the traditional house versus staff inflatable crocodile relay which was fiercely contested. Whilst there was much sabotage (and cheating) undertaken by all houses the teachers came out victorious by using a range of different strategies to overcome the resistance from the students. Congratulations to all students and staff who involved themselves in this event.
All students should be congratulated on their efforts and behaviour on the day. A big thank you also goes to all the staff who contributed to making the 2022 House Swimming Carnival a successful and enjoyable day
Katie Cook
Sports Leader
Year 9 Morrisby Appraisal
A big round of applause to all the Year 9 students who completed (or have almost completed) this important personal development activity. Whether students have no idea or are absolutely fixed on a particular pathway, it doesn’t hurt to undertake the process of assessing and thinking through your skills, interests and preferences. Students have access to the Morrisby portal for life. It contains a wealth of careers information and is constantly changing. Students can go in and alter preferences as their ideas mature and, therefore consider other pathways.
This year we reverted to an online interview process, with a couple of technical hitches to start, but then a really successful day – Warrandyte students were congratulated on their fantastic behaviour and interest.
Thanks to parents that joined in from home or work. If you wish to share the notes of this interview, they will be uploaded to the Morrisby portal and your child can share with you.
Year 10 Work Experience
How lucky are we to be able to run work experience after 2 years of lockdown? So now it’s time for Year 10s to search out somewhere to spend a week. – Monday June 20 to 24th.
Most potential employers will agree that when offering a job, they prefer young people who have had work experience, to those that haven’t.
Work experience should give you:
- an understanding of the work environment and what employers expect of their workers
- an opportunity to explore possible career options
- increased self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence
- increased motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training
- a better understanding of how the school curriculum can help prepare you for work
- an introduction to workplace recruitment practices
- enhanced opportunities for part-time and casual employment
- the opportunity to include the employer’s work experience evaluation in future job and course applications
- opportunities to develop work-related competencies and acquire skills
the chance to ‘try out’ a workplace.
The most important thing you can learn through work experience is that you are an individual. You may enjoy doing the same things as your friends, but as you think about your future, it’s important to remember that you and your friends have different abilities, strengths, weaknesses, passions and family backgrounds. You need to find what suits you best and what gives you the best chance for success and being happy.
You might know what you want to do, but it’s okay if you don’t know – even discovering what you don’t want to do is a step in the right direction.
Choosing a career is not something that will just magically happen. No-one else can choose a career for you. You have to make it happen for yourself.
It doesn’t matter if you are not doing work experience in your dream career, any time in the work force will boost your CV and assist you in the future.
The first step to gaining a position is to ask friends, neighbours, family and businesses your family has dealt with. See Ms Bloom for help if you have been looking without much success.
Whole school Careers Planning
Unless students were absent, all should have started their online careers planning. This portal will follow students up to a year after they leave school and will help with things like preparing a CV or cover letter, interviews or careers research. Go to, where students can log into the student area. Contact Ms Bloom if you have forgotten your details.
As well as many useful resources and links, you’ll find the weekly careers newsletter amongst the important information. Always worth a look!
Claire Bloom
Work experience
Caption: Ex-students on work experience with Youth Worker Kate Wilde from The Workshop

News from the Library
Library Clubs and Festivals
Lunch in the library is a busy affair with students studying, reading, challenging each other to chess and gaming. The adjacent classroom, C31, is available for student-led clubs and activities. Clubs and festivals held in in this room allow students to try out niche interests. This term during lunch, C31 has hosted the long running Nintendo club as well as an Autumn Anime Festival.
Nintendo Club
Fans across the year levels gather on Tuesdays and Thursdays to test their skills in a fun and a supportive environment. One student kindly volunteers a Switch while other students bring their own controllers, allowing more students to participate. The game of choice is Super Smash Bros, allowing students to try different characters and techniques in short rounds, making for a fast paced, exhilarating lunch break!
Autumn Anime Festival
For the final weeks of Term 1, an anime festival has been hosted in C31 during Wednesday lunch. Instigated by Year 7 interest, the festival attracts students from across the year levels. The program is determined by student suggestion and has so far included classic movies such as Howl’s Moving Castle and Spirited Away to fan favs such as Pokémon, and contemporary titles such as Little Witch Academia. A casual festival, students are free to enjoy their lunch while watching anime and drop in as they please.
Students with ideas for clubs or festivals in C31 are welcome to approach the library staff with their proposals
Big Science
Warrandyte High School is again offering students an opportunity to participate in the annual International Big Science Competition.
The competition is aligned with the Australian Science Curriculum and is open to students of all abilities at four different levels: respectively year levels 7, 8, 9 and 10.
The 50 minute competition consists of 30 multiple choice questions that are relatable for the students in that they are set in real life issues and contemporary contexts. The competition questions are designed to test the student’s skills in critical thinking, problem solving and scientific literacy, not just factual recall of scientific knowledge.
Each student who takes part in the competition will receive a personalised certificate and detailed feedback on their performance. Our school will also receive a comprehensive report for each paper level, which breaks down individual student performance for each question and provides a comparison with state and national results. Science teachers will then use this as an additional assessment tool to identify areas of strength and weakness and make improvements to the students’ future learning.
All participants will have the chance to win one of four iPads* and strong performance in the competition could also lead being selected for Science extension programs such as Curious Minds and the Australian Science Olympiads.
The Science department will support the students’ preparation for the competition by providing practice papers for the students to complete if they wish and also provide them with valuable feedback.
Event: Big Science Competition
Date: Term 2 Week 2 (2- 13th May)*The exact date and period will be determined one participants are finalized.
Cost: $7.00
To register your interest in the Big Science Competition please email Ms Sarah Boodle at and state your full name, year level, and Science Teacher by Friday 15th April. Information/Permission and payment form will appear on compass at a later date.
For more information on the Big Science competition please visit
The Big Science Competition is organised by Australian Science Innovations, a non-profit organisation committed to providing high quality science extension programs that inspire, challenge and raise the aspirations of students in science
Sarah Boodle
Surf Camp
On the 10th and 11th of March the Year 11 VET Sport and Recreation class set off to Phillip Island for Surf Camp! Surf Camp allows students to demonstrate both theoretical and practical skills from two units of competency from the Cert III course (Participate in Workplace Health and Safety and Provide Quality Service).
After a rocky start to the morning (due to a flat bus battery) we made it to Cowes for our Island Surf Factory tour! Students were taken through the process of how surfboards are created, using both new and old technologies. They also explored the safety measures in place to keep workers safe in the board shaping workshops and how to prevent inhalation of fumes and injuries.
That afternoon students took part in their first surf lesson run by Island Surf at Smiths Beach. In the lead up to Surf Camp students explored the hazards and risks associated with surfing, the beach and water safety and were again tested on this knowledge during their safety briefing as part of their initial lesson. Additionally, whilst taking part in the surf lessons, students were taking mental note of the kinds of things that their instructors do to ensure they are providing a quality service. Students had previously prepared an evaluation form that they completed at the conclusion of each lesson. Students then reflected on these findings when back at school as part of their course work and use similar strategies in their own practice.
Course work aside, all students were able to successfully catch waves and it was fantastic to see their confidence improve throughout the duration of the lesson. Even those who struggled in the beginning were catching great waves after the second lesson on Friday.
Students were also able to enjoy some free time in Cowes, some choosing to eat fish and chips on the pier, others enjoying a walk along the beach. We also visited the Nobbies and were greeted by some tiny penguins taking shelter from the wind.
I’d like the thank the Sport and Rec class for being so easy going and understanding when we were faced with a few inconveniences. I love running this camp for students each year and just like previous years, it was another fantastic two days for all involved. Lastly, a special thanks is extended to Robbie Gedge for his support on camp.
Ashleigh Degering
VET Sport & Recreation teacher
Maths – Accelerated Warrandyte High Style!
Our Year 7 Learning Excellence Accelerated Program (LEAP) students engage in a challenging activity each week in maths. Each activity requires students to work with others to devise a strategy for solving a complex mathematical practical problem. The students put their numeracy skills to the test as they figure out what information they need to use, how they can collect additional data and how best to come up with a solution.
Recently the Year 7 students at Warrandyte High School devised a strategy for estimating the number of blades of grass on the oval using only Google maps and a ruler. They found this mathematical challenge interesting and enjoyable. In their most recent mathematical LEAP class, their challenge was to find a way of representing model cars on the same scale to see the difference in their sizes. Again, the students loved the activity, the thinking that it provoked!
The engagement of our Year 7 mathematical accelerated learning students is both engaging and rewarding. The mathematical skills they are learning is moving them forward in leaps and bounds. All happening at Warrandyte High School.
Robbie Gedge
Mathematics LEAP Teacher at Warrandyte High School
Wednesday the 23rd of March, was a highly successful day for the two, year eight baseball teams that went out to compete for the day’s win. After five matches, both teams did extremely well, with our firsts team making it through to the next stage. The second team showed great resilience throughout the day, being pipped at the post a few times. A big shoutout to all the students involved for their dedication and encouragement of others on the day, and Ante Sunjo for the fantastic work back with them in Sport Ed. Good luck in the next stage!
Senior Volleyball
WHS sent three boys’ teams and one girls’ team to the Senior Volleyball interschool sporting competition. All teams had some success over the day, especially the Year 11 Girls and Year 11 Boys who both won through to the final. Both teams faced Year 12 teams in the final and played tremendously! The boys lost a close encounter, but the girls were able to secure the win and have progressed through to the regional finals at the end of March!
We wish them the best of luck at the regional finals.
A big congratulations and thank-you to all students who represented our school so well, especially the year 12’s who have now finished their volleyball careers at WHS – besides the annual student vs teacher match later in the year!
Katie Cook
PE/Sport teacher
Guinea Pigs Galore!
Additional support for students has now been implemented at our school. We have three cute and cuddly guinea pigs to help soothe our nerves and listen to our concerns.
Please welcome One of Three of our new furry friends. This little guy and his two mates will all need names. We will be running a competition to name these little rascals soon, so watch this space. The competition will happen as part of vertical home groups in term
The guinea pigs are located in Ms May’s office near the entrance to C Block. If you just need to chill out, relieve your anxiety, or de-stress, these little pets may help you to self-soothe while you hold and pat them… That’s if you can catch them… They were a little quick for me.
Thanks to Peta May for arranging these therapy pets, we hope they have a long and loving ‘furrendship’ with all at Warrandyte High School.
Ms Miller
Student Well – Being

A great start to the year in the classrooms.
In recent few years term 1 has been overshadowed by a sense of anxiety and apprehension about what might be in store – thoughts of potential lockdown, remote learning, cancellations, and isolation hovered around the edges of the start of the school year. But not so 2022. This year a more positive and optimistic attitude has prevailed. Students have begun the school year without a potential return to remote learning looming up ahead.
The wearing of masks, air ventilators in rooms, twice weekly rapid antigen tests and vaccinations have allowed everyone to experience a sense of ‘back to normal’.
Many great things have already happened in first term.
Year 12 English
Year 12 students spent their first day of school in a whole day English workshop. All students participated in activities to introduce them to their first outcome on the texts In Cold Blood (English) or I am Malala (EAL). It was a great opportunity to begin the year as a whole cohort and set the groundwork in place for a positive, collaborative and focussed year of study. After an unsettled two years, our Year 12 students have made an impressive start to their final year.
Year 7&8 Digital Technology
In year 7 Digital Technology students have been solving design problems: building a bridge using straws which will hold a weight. Group work and collaboration is the key here.
In year 8 Digital Technology students were learning about coding by creating musical instruments using ‘Scratch’.
Year 8 English
Students demonstrated their understanding of the literary devices of similes and personification by creating play dough representations of their work.
Taking the Challenge
Year 9 TTC
Term 1 for Taking the Challenge has been very busy with students being involved in careers testing, discussions around puberty and workshops on respectful relationships. Incursions from Victoria Police regarding cyber safety and a half day incursion run by High Resolves which focused on identity and purpose, being independent thinkers and understanding bias beliefs have been highlights of first term.
During all these activities students have been highly engaged and worked with external presenters to gain the most they can from the program. In addition students have also been developing their team work, problem solving and communication skills through a range of group challenges. These have included the annual toboggan race where students were required in teams to build a toboggan from scrap materials, and race them around the oval. There were many great designs with some breaking records and others breaking their axles. Students were also challenged to design a 50cm tall scaffolding using the least number of straws and 1 roll of sticky tape that could hold a cup of marbles. Students worked and problem solved to develop some excellent structures.
Finally, throughout the term students have been working in groups to design their own card/board games. Students initially played and analysed current games and then were tasked with developing their own. Their games had to include all elements that would enable other students to play their games and peer assess them.
We are looking forward to celebrating a terrific start of Taking the Challenge with year 9s in the final week when they will challenge themselves and have a lot of fun at Latitude.
Invicta Buses
We have been experiencing a few delays with the Invicta bus No !2 through Wonga Park of late.
I have spoken with the Operations Manager at Invicta and he suggested the students who use that service may like to download the free app called Ventura Tracker App.
It is a live tracking app so that the students and their parents can stay in touch with how the bus is tracking at any given time.
Live Tracking App
Don’t miss the bus, download the Ventura Tracker app from the App store to view real time bus locations of all Ventura services.
Bev Lang
Office Manager