Dates for your Diary

Thursday 25 March – Year 9 Careers Interviews
Friday 26 March –
Year 9 Careers Interviews
Tuesday 30 March –
Parent Teacher Interviews – no scheduled classes
Thursday 1 April –
Last Day Term 1 – 2:30 Finish
Friday 2 April Good Friday –
Public Holiday

From the Principal

Open Night held on Wednesday 17 March

Warrandyte High School opened its doors to prospective students and their families on Wednsday 17 March. All necessary COVID-19 requirements were put in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable evening. Student work was displayed from all year levels and across all faculties with staff and student helpers eagerly explaining our approaches to learning and answering all questions from the enthusiastic parents and potential new students in attendance. Daylight saving and lovely weather also helped show off our grounds and buildings. Congratulations and well done to all staff and our student helpers.

School Council Elections

At the close of the extended nomination period the school had received one parent nomination for the two available positions on school council. I therefore have great pleasure in announcing that Rob Sanders has been duly elected onto the Warrandyte High School Council for the next two years.

Swimming Sports – March 10

Our originally planned date for our Swimming Sports had to be abandoned due to the sudden move back to COVID-19 restrictions at the end of February. These sports are not only preparation for the Divisional Swimming Sports, but also an important event on the school’s cultural calendar, bringing together students and staff on a fun day of activities, fancy dress, and friendly competition.

Determined not to let this day pass, we were able to arrange an alternative date on March 10. Once again we were fortunate to pick a day with perfect weather for the event which was a wonderful success.

Colourful costumes and sporting excellence were the order of the day as students contested for individual honours and House glory. When the final results were tabulated Newman House was victorious. A more detailed recap of the day is included later in this edition of Gang Gang. Congratulations to all participants and well done to Katie Cook, our Sports Leader, for her excellent planning, doubly so this year, and management of the day.

Dr Stephen Parkin

From the Assistant Principal


A Year 7-9 program catering for high achieving and high ability students with Year 10 and beyond extension pathways.

Features of a highly able student:

  • Does your child enjoy asking questions and is curious?
  • Is your child high performing in Maths and / or English?
  • Would your child love to be in a class with like-minded peers where it is cool to ask questions?
  • Would your child love to be in a class where it is cool to explore topics in greater depth?
  • Does your child have a sense of social justice?
  • Does your child love to read?

If any of the above questions apply to your child, then the WHS LEAP (Learning Excellence Academic/Accelerated Program) may be just the ticket.


The WHS LEAP (Learning Excellence Academic/Accelerated Program) is a 3 year program (Year 7-9) whereby students are extended and challenged academically in the areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities.  Less repetition features in these classes, the regular curriculum is able to be covered more rapidly allowing time for students to be really challenged and extended.
Students also participate in a range of other learning areas including the Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Technology, Sport and LOTE (Italian)

A little about the Head of the WHS Learning Excellence Academic/Accelerated (LEAP) Program:

Having taught High Ability Programs in 3 different schools, in the areas of English and Mathematics, both in Australia and overseas, and having been the Head of the Select Entry Excellence Program at a former school prior to heading the Learning Excellence Academic (LEAP) Program at WHS, I have experienced first-hand just how rewarding and exciting it is for high ability like-minded students to be in a learning environment where it is completely okay to throw yourself into all of the learning activities.
In a learning environment with like-minded, highly motivated peers, students soon learn it is cool to raise your hand and participate in all class discussions and to ask questions.
J. Caruana, Assistant Principal


Entry into the WHS Learning Excellence Academic/Accelerated Program (LEAP) is by application only. This is a select entry program and all Grade 6 applicants will be required to attend our testing morning on Saturday May 29, 2021.

Only students who are currently in Year 6 and will select Warrandyte High School as their first preference are eligible to apply for this program.

Students currently in Grade 6 need to complete an assessment conducted by Edutest on Saturday 29 May 2021. The testing will commence at 9am and will conclude at 12noon. There will be a break for morning tea, hence students are invited to bring along something for morning tea.

To register your child for testing and consideration, please follow the link:

Please note the LEAP (Learning Excellence Academic/Acceleration Program) testing date for the Year 7 2022 LEAP Program is Saturday May 29, 2021. All registrations for the program will close on Friday 21 May, 2021.

Assistant Principal

Working Bee at Warrandyte High School

Recently a highly successful working bee took place at Warrandyte High School. It was wonderful to see so many students, teachers and parents volunteering their time. It was an after school, twilight working bee from 4.40pm – 6.30pm.

Painting and gardening (mulching) were the main orders of the afternoon. The adage, many hands make light work was wonderfully the case. With so many volunteer helpers, all of the jobs we have identified were able to be completed! Hurray! The thriving community spirit at Warrandyte High is alive and well!

I would like to thank the following people for donating their time to assist us with our March Working Bee: Steve, Tanya and Tanisha Di Corrado; Ethan Buchanan, Deanne Montague-Buchanan, Paul Maxwell, Tommaso Rossi, Lucia Rossi, Kerry and Emma Dodds, Rachel Wahl, Emma Spicer, Andrew Watts, Heather Dale, Andrew Rodgers, Justine Wickham, Rowzeh Memari and Margaret and Caitlyn Kelly.

Assistant Principal

Warrandyte High School – Surf Camp!

Another successful Warrandyte High School Surf Camp took place recently! We definitely have some talented VET Sport and Recreation Students at WHS!

A huge thank you is extended to Island Surfboards for some fantastic lessons!

Correct – surfing! Just one of the many opportunities our students at Warrandyte High School can enjoy!

Indoor and Al Fresco Dining at Warrandyte High School

Warrandyte High School has provided students with a lunchtime indoor dining area for several years now. Complete with several microwaves, exclusive for student use, students can heat up their lunch in one of our microwaves and then sit and enjoy their lunch in comfort inside our indoor student dining area. How lovely, no? How sophisticated, no?

Breaking News! Now we are thrilled to officially announce our companion al fresco outdoor dining area, exclusive for students use! Correct, our indoor student dining area now has an adjoining undercover outdoor dining area. Already proving very popular with students! But which al fresco table to sit on at lunchtime? The red table? The blue table? The yellow table?

Bright and colourful, and brand new, the Warrandyte High School al fresco student dining area is another option available to our students at lunchtime and recess! A huge thank you is extended to the Warrandyte Bendigo Bank for their assistance in making this awesome facility possible.

Sports Academy: Basketball Program

The Warrandyte High School Sports Academy Basketball Program is thriving! Students in Year 7 through to and including Year 9, both girls and boys, are experiencing this awesome intensive skill building program each week.

At Warrandyte High School, we devote almost 5 hours of the school week towards our Basketball Program – now that is what I call an intensive skill and technique building program! We employ Brad Waters, our externally appointed Basketball Coach, who works closely with our Sports Academy Basketball Program participants. To learn more about our Basketball Coach, please refer to the previous Gang Gang edition available on our website.

The amazing experiences just keep on coming for our Basketball Program students. Very recently our Sports Academy Basketballers received the benefits of special guest star, Matt Shepherd, Personal Trainer at Assist PT in Lilydale. At Warrandyte High School we have a fully equipped weights training gym and Matt, our visiting Personal Trainer, was able to teach our Basketballers some important fitness techniques in our very own weights and fitness training gym.

The WHS Sports Academy Basketball Program, and indeed the WHS AFL Program happens every Tuesday and Wednesday at Warrandyte High School. Currently both programs are open to students from Year 7 – 10. In September we will be inviting expressions of interest for the 2022 Sports Academy intake. And yes – you heard right, we devote almost 5 hours of the school week towards our Basketball and AFL Program. Very intensive, no?

The excitement I say!

Assistant Principal


Basketball Clinic during holidays

During the Term 1 school holidays that are fast approaching, Brad Waters, our awesome Sports Academy Basketball Coach is running special Basketball Super Clinics for Year 5 + 6 students. Book now! For all details, refer to our website!

Assistant Principal


In Cold Blood Incursion

English off to a flying start!

VCE English students have had a great start to the study of their first text, Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood, during a whole day incursion on Tuesday 2nd February. The students spent the whole day in the Doig Learning Centre (DLC) exploring the plot, vocabulary and key themes and images of this demanding and provocative text. Using a film of the text as a springboard students’ preliminary reading of the text was reinforced and their thinking about key ideas challenged.

The atmosphere in the DLC was energetic and students were engaged in a range of activities, which included a Capote Vocabulary Olympics, and the developing of personal responses to questions about capital punishment, the fairness of the justice system and the big question of whether or not a murderer can ever be considered a victim. All tasks were designed to lead students into a close study of the text and to inform their Creative Response SAC.

Students are to be congratulated on the way they approached what was a long and intense day. The collaboration and sharing of ideas was a pleasure to witness. Every student contributed and we encourage them all to take this attitude into the classroom for the rest of the year.

The Themes and Images Cut and Paste activity was a great way to end the day

Judy Steel, Irene Tarabolsi and Mikaela Fall (Year 12 English teachers)


House Swimming Sports 2021

After a year of missed sporting opportunities in 2020, nothing was going to stop the Warrandyte High School House Swimming carnival occurring – not even a 5 day snap lock down. After a lot of phone calls to find pool availability we were finally set with a new date and student enthusiasm was at his highest.

On Wednesday 10 March Warrandyte High School students and teachers dressed in house colours, amazing costumes and cheering loudly descend on Booroondara Sports Complex. The day was extremely successful with lots of students full of loud voices ready to swim and cheer their houses to victory.

Whilst the day started a little overcast the clouds parted to be a perfect day for students competing in swimming events, cheering, participating in the annual bomb contest and relaxing around the pool. It was great to see students giving it a go whether competing competitively or simply for the fun and in the spirit of gaining house points.

A highlight for most of the students was the annual bombing contest from the 3m diving board which provided spectators with a wonderful display of different bombing techniques. You could hear the splash and the agony of some of the impact from the other end of the pool. The noodle race was also highly popular with students and earned valuable house points.

In the end Newman were awarded Swimming House Champions.

The final points tally was:
Newman – 305
Stiggant – 290
Michel – 260
Anderson – 248

 In addition a House Swimming Champion Trophy was awarded to one student from each house. These students were recognized for gaining the most number of points for their house and for their eager participation on the day.

The House Swimming Champions were:
Newman – Toby Potter
Stiggant – Grace Synhur
Michel – Kye Hunter
Anderson – Taj Whitehead

The day is not only about recognising swimming success but also about building house spirit, leadership and cross year level friendships for all students as well as students and teachers building relationship outside the classroom setting. As part of this, students were awarded prizes for best dressed. This year the competition was at its highest with many fantastic costumes being made. The eventual winners of the competition were

Steam punk – Adele Goudge
The Golfers – Reef McCarthy, Brady Poole, Lachlan Haberfield, Aaron Hewitt
Girl Scouts – Tayah Weeks, Elle Saunders
Cher from Clueless – Maddie Trewella

In addition to these awards multiple students were recognised for their efforts with their costumes which included a large case from ‘Alice In Wonderland’ – Kate Foster, Georgia D’Amico, Sienna Rohde, Isabella Zachar, Lilian Evenden, Keeley O’Hanlon, India Robinson, Amey Batchelor and an array of other characters dressed to suit their house colours including Tabitha Young and Lasenya Isaacs. I look forward to seeing the student’s creativity in their costume designs at the athletics sports.

The 8 house captains (Meg Callow, Maddison Trewella, Georgia D’Amico, Lachlan Haberfield, Hayley Sipthorp, Sienna Rhode, Tayah Weeks and Hope Watts) did a fantastic job in promoting the day, encouraging students and developing house spirit.

The day finished off with a house versus staff inflatable crocodile relay which was fiercely contested. Whilst there was much sabotage (and cheating) undertaken by all houses the teachers came out victorious by using a range of different strategies to overcome the resistance from the students. Congratulations to all students and staff who involved themselves in this event.


All students should be congratulated on their efforts and behaviour on the day. A big thank you also goes to all the staff who contributed to making the 2021 House Swimming Carnival a successful and enjoyable day

Katie Cook
Sports Leader

Youth Services at Warrandyte High School

Manningham Youth Services came to visit the students at Warrandyte High School on 16 March and were very warmly received.

As part of the school’s Pastoral Care and Respectful Relationships program, Manningham Youth Services accepted the invitation from WHS to come and educate our students about the plethora of services that are available to them.

Manningham Council offers a range of counselling services to the community. The Van is a new part of the program and Warrandyte High School was the first school in Manningham to have the colourful van visit pictured below.

During the visit, Simone Webbey (Community Engagement Officer) and Zee Munro (Project Officer-Rainbow Connections) organised an art activity to help promote “Be Kind” to one another. There were two large canvases for students to create ‘Be Kind’ statements or illustrations. The opportunity was made available for our students to discuss their feelings with the Youth Workers if they chose to do so.

This exciting activity featured as part of Warrandyte High School’s Anti-Bullying Week. The students enthusiastically involved themselves in this initiative which was wonderful to see.

Hot Milo, lollypops, pens, wristbands and information packs were handed out to the students who were very grateful. The visit to Warrandyte High School by the Manningham Youth Services Van was a huge success and another component of our whole school focus on wellbeing and pastoral care.

Joanne Miller
Well Being Leader

Pastoral Care

Respectful Relationships Week (15-19 March 2021)

RR or Respectful Relationships is a whole-school approach about embedding a culture of respect and equality across an entire school community.
With our media newsfeeds flooded with articles about consent, bullying, inequality, sexism and racism, it’s a timely reminder to refocus our efforts in raising awareness.

March 8 was International Women’s Day. The day has been celebrated around the world for more than a century. Read about the powerful lineage of women who made modern life possible for women and consider those who continue to push for change.

Make your RR Pledge! Change Is In Your Hands.

With many individuals experiencing issues with consent, bullying, inequality, sexism and racism, it is time to refocus our efforts in making a difference in curbing the abuse. You can begin the process of change by expressing your commitment to embedding a culture of Respectful Relationships across our school community.

It’s simple, just make your way to the library and leave your pledge on the RR Pledge Board.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is deliberate verbal, physical and/or social behaviour intended to cause ongoing physical, social and/or psychological harm. Bullying can make you feel anxious, depressed and lonely. It can happen anywhere — in person, or online using various digital platforms and devices (this is called cyberbullying). It might be obvious to others or hidden

Bullies might make fun of others for many things, including:

  • appearance (how someone looks)
  • behaviour (how someone acts)
  • race or religion
  • social status (whether someone is popular)
  • sexual identity

 What is an Upstander?

An upstander is a person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause, particularly someone who intervenes on behalf of a person being attacked or bullied.

When someone steps in, more than half (57% of the time) bullying stops within 10 seconds.

Interestingly, bystanders are present almost all of the time (87% of the time) when bullying occurs.

So what’s stopping you being an upstander?
The Bystander Effect;

What is Consent?
Consent occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal or desires of another.
Consent will not be considered to have been given where a person is incapable of consenting to the activity because they are:

  • asleep;
  • unconscious; or
  • intoxicated by alcohol or any other substance to the point of being incapable of giving free and voluntary consent to the proposal or desires of another.

Seeking consent is as simple as tea:

What is Doxing?
Doxing (dropping documents) is the intentional online exposure of an individual’s identity, private information or personal details without their consent.
Revealing private information about a person without their consent has increased due to the use of the internet connected technologies making it easier to collect, store, track and then share the information very publicly.
Doxing does not have to reveal something untrue or damaging about an individual — the information is usually accurate, whether or not it has been sourced lawfully.

‘Doxing’ can refer to a number of different practices, including:

  • deanonymizing doxing — revealing the identity of someone who was previously anonymous (for example, someone who uses a pseudonym)
  • targeting doxing — revealing specific information about someone that allows them to be contacted or located, or their online security to be breached (for example, their phone number or home address, or their account username and password)
  • delegitimizing doxing — revealing sensitive or intimate information about someone that can damage their credibility or reputation (for example, their private medical, legal, or financial records, or personal messages and photos usually kept out of public view).

Motivations for doxing.

  • wanting to expose wrongdoing and hold the wrongdoer to account.
  • exert control over someone following a relationship breakdown.
  • threat of doxing can also be used to intimidate or threaten someone.
  • to extort money, but often no demands are made to stop the information being released and the target is not even aware they are about to be doxed.
  • BBC news: The explicit images trading in your town.

Be in the draw to WIN a PRIZE by guessing the number of orange anti-bullying wristbands in the jar.


Christena Gazeas
Student Services Leading Teacher

Stand up, be heard: Youth advocacy in action

Hi there,
Youth Parliament has always been a space for young Victorians to stand up and be heard. The Y is excited to launch a new way for young people to get involved in advocacy, and invite them to attend our new event made for young people, by young people, wanting to make a difference.
So, Warrandyte High School are you ready to create positive change?

Advocacy is taking an action (any action!) that supports, defends or argues for a cause on behalf of other people and sometimes yourself. At Youth Voice’s free event, you’ll learn a bunch about what advocacy is and why it’s important.

We’ll also be covering:

  • How young people became leaders in this space;
  • How you can make a difference about something you’re passionate about; and
  • How you can create your own advocacy roadmap.

Here’s what you need to know:

When? Thursday 18 March 2021.
What time? 5.30pm – 6.30pm. Plus, from 6:30pm to 7pm, come connect with other young change makers in our facilitated break-out room discussion space.
Where? The event will be hosted virtually. (We know… we’re over virtual events too, but we promise in-person events will be back as soon as we possible! And, who in the history advocacy let restrictions prevent them from making change?)
How can I register? You can sign up for free via Eventbrite.

Register Today and secure your spot!

Feel free to share this invite with your friends. As we all know, the more people we have involved, the more impact our advocacy has!
We hope to see you there,
The Youth Voice Team

About Youth Voice  
Youth Voice is a platform brought to you by the Y, where like-minded young people can express themselves, share lived experience, engage in community and learn from each other.

Looking after your Mental Health…

Wellbeing is the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. A Healthy Mind and positive wellbeing will allow you to function on a daily basis, do your normal activities and reach your set goals. If you feel sad, anxious or depressed and you don’t have the motivation to carry on with normal everyday tasks then some of the programs or Apps below may be helpful.  Below are a list of Programs or Apps that can help you be the best version of yourself.
BITE BACK is Black Dog Institute’s FREE, self-guided online wellbeing and resilience program for young people aged 13 – 16 years old. Evidence shows that using BITE BACK can decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety and increase wellbeing.
To sign up or take a look at what they offer click on the link:

Head to Health
Supported by the Australian Government, this resource helps people find trusted information on mental health and wellbeing and support services in Australia.
Beyond Blue’s Personal best
Suggested activities, guidance and inspiration to help you find the balance in all areas of your life while navigating the ups and downs.

Black Dog Institute
Information and resources on how to achieve and maintain a state of wellbeing.

The Elders’ Report
Report into preventing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-harm and youth suicide.

Emerging Minds
Articles, research papers, policies and frameworks, toolkits and webinars related to children’s mental health.

Professionally-reviewed mobile apps and tools to help young people look after their health and wellbeing.

An app to make practicing simple mindfulness techniques easy, from a variety of systems, helping fulfil our mission of a healthier, happier world. Offers the benefits of simple meditation techniques, anytime, anywhere, with guided meditations, animations, articles and videos.
Reach out for help if you need extra support.

Thought for the Day

Sometimes the things we say to others have an effect on them or can be hurtful.  If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing.

You don’t know what others are feeling or dealing with in their life, so be kind.


Joanne Miller

Year 7 Sport

Recently the Year 7’s went out for interschool sports.

Ms Lamb and Ms Miller took 19 students to Gilbert Park to play baseball.

Without much training the students all did remarkably well. The first game was a little testing against Malauna we lost 9-0. We held our heads high and went to the next game against Ashwood’s A team. We won 5-2, YAY….then we played against Heathmont’s B team which we won again 6-4. YIPPEE. Students were very excited and made the finals.

We came 4th overall out of 8 teams.

Special mention to Archie, Meleane, Angus and Izzy for all hitting a home run.

I must commend the team for being good sports and representing the school in a positive manner, when the ball hit an opposition player, our whole team made their way to see if he was ok.

Good sportsmanship overall – WELL DONE.

Ms Lamb and Ms Miller

Financial Assistance


Every Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. It is part of making Victoria the Education State and the Government’s commitment to breaking the link between a student’s background and their outcomes.

School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are a part of a healthy curriculum.

CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:
$125 for primary school students
$225 for secondary school students

New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from the website below.

If you applied for CSEF at your child’s school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. 

You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.
  • changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name,
  • concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.

Check with the school office if you are unsure.

For more information about CSEF visit: