Years 7, 8 and 9
A balanced curriculum
The provision of a balanced curriculum is the focus for students in Years 7-9. There is a strong focus on core academic subjects such as Maths, English, Science, Humanities, LOTE (Italian) as well as the opportunity to sample a wide range of practical, technical and art based subjects. Mixed ability classes enhance the learning of all students.
In Year 7 and 8, all students participate in our Wellbeing Engagement Learning & Leadership Program (WELL) – this is a weekly wellbeing program that focuses on students’ social and emotional development.
All students participate in a 1:1 laptop program which is supported with an extensive ICT infrastructure.
Year 7 students are assisted in transition to the secondary environment through a well-developed transition program. Prior to Orientation Day students are visited in their primary schools by the Year 7 co-ordinator and the Student Services Leader. This visit is designed to ease the anxiety of starting high school and give students a familiar face to recognise in their first days of school. It also helps the school to find out student’s learning needs and preferences. For those students coming from a distant school or those students who are the only student coming from their primary school a pre-orientation day morning tea is held. During this time students in this situation get to know each other a little better and parents can also have a chat over coffee and scones with each other and some key important contacts within the school.
Once school starts Year 7 transition is helped along by the Peer Support Students. These Year 10 students are specially chosen and professionally trained in order to assist the Year 7s by running lunchtime activities and games such as Year 7 X Factor and class sporting competitions. Very early in the school year all year 7’s together with the Peer Support Student participate in the Clans Day Interclass Competition, which promotes positive peer relationships and a sense of connectedness to their class.
Year 7 camp held early in the year is also a great opportunity for students to get to know each other and their teachers.
Throughout the year there are other well-established Year 7 Wellbeing Programs such as the Friendship and Anti Bullying Program and Girls Talk & Boys Talk performances all designed to allow students to become more connected to the school and each other.
Teaching in Years 8 & 9 consolidates the skills and understandings gained in Year 7 with an elective choice across a broad range of academic, practical, technical and art subjects.

Years 7 and 8 Subjects
Food Technology*
Design (woodwork)*
Design (textiles)*
Wellbeing Engagement Learning & Leadership (WELL)
Visual Communication*
*Students rotate through these subjects during Years 7 and 8.
Years 9 Core Subjects
Taking the Challenge
Elective Program
Electives – offered at Years 9 and/or Year 10
Advanced CFA
Basic Programming
Creative Writing
Design & Technology (materials)
Design & Technology (jewellery)
Design & Technology (textiles)
Digital Video, Animation, Music
Exercise & Human Body
Extensions Mathematics
Food Technology
Forensic Science
History of Film
Human Movement – Sports
Information Technology (office applications)
Mind Matters
Personal Fitness
Science Mysteries
Visual Communication
VCE units of study
Big History
Games and Strategies
Game Sense
Money Matters
Football & Basketball Program
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